There are two things I have come to strongly believe in accordance to God. This post will be about one of these, and I will post about the second another time.
Years ago, I attended Bible camp, like most church kids do when growing up. It is a rite of passage, so to speak. Some were forced to go, and for others, like me, it was the highlight of the year. Back then, it was the best part of my year because it was a time to hang out with my friends nonstop for an entire week. That was the dream as an elementary kid.
Over time, the memories fade. I can still recall fondly some great moments with great people. But, what truly stuck with me was how I was able to encounter God every day. His presence was everywhere. It was in the forests we trekked through, the water we played in, the chapel services we attended every night, and the times we opened our hearts to one another at night, strengthening our bonds of friendship.
But, enough strolling down memory lane. A statement by one of the speakers stuck with me until this day. He said, "God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called." I have pondered that statement often in the years that have followed. Here are some thoughts that have produced.
1. That little voice that says we're not good enough? God says differently.
We always make up excuses to not be the one to make a difference. Excuses reign rampant from "I'm too young" to "I'm under qualified" to "There has to be someone better than me for this." Well, just look at Moses. He was convinced that he wasn't the right man to lead God's chosen people out of Egypt, yet God used him anyway, no matter how much he fought. God called him to save His people, and then qualified him for the job by providing Aaron to speak and the power of God in his staff.
2. If not you, then who?
Think about it for a moment. If everyone says, "There has to be someone else," eventually we would run through everyone on the earth and nothing would be accomplished. Be brave enough to say, "I will."
3. It's anything but easy.
Choosing to obey God and step out in faith is the hardest thing a person can do. I struggle every day, and find excuses so I understand what you must be thinking. Walking by faith, in tune to the Lord, is difficult. I never contemplated the weight of "walking by faith" until the other day when I was hiking with my amazing friend and college roommate, who demonstrates what it means to dare to inspire. If more people "walked by faith" and thought practically about what a relationship with God means, we could change the world.
So that's just a couple of my thoughts. Disclaimer: we get people every day trying to get people to take action for God. We listen to motivational speakers, read amazing books about taking that action, and talk to our accountability partners about where we are in our walk with God. These are all beautiful things. God created us to be relational people, and uses other people to spur us on to greater things.
But, here's my challenge to you. Do one little thing every day to make the world a better place. What that little thing is, I'll leave up to you. But spread God's love, one day at a time.
Whatever you do, just go out there and dare to inspire.
xoxoxo yes! Such amazing Grace He reveals in you.